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Student Ambassador Nominator Program 2022

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The Student Ambassador Program is an exceptional opportunity for students to engage in conversation with renowned international designers and theatre experts attending the annual conference.  During the conference you will meet with your guest, help them navigate the USITT conference.  You will also be our guest at the International Reception and a special luncheon where you will have one-on-one time with our international colleagues.


Three USITT Student Members will each be paired with one of three visiting international guests. This connection is intended to encourage international networking between early designers/technicians and our global colleagues. Student Members will be selected based on their fields of study, compelling application, and letter of nomination/ recommendation from a mentor. Student Ambassadors will receive free conference registration and a luncheon with the three international guests. The deadline for applications is January 21, 2022. Winners will be announced by January 28, 2022 .