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Tech Expo 2019

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Application Instructions for Tech Expo

  • Applications are accepted only from USITT Members.
  • Applicants may submit more than one entry. Please submit separate application forms for each.
  • For each application, submit an article of not more than 1000 words, which concisely documents and describes the process for creating the project. Articles must be submitted as a text only document, using either .doc or .txt.  
  • Select at least one image or drawing to submit, you may submit up to 6 images of your project which help visualize the process and finished product. See Submission Standards and Recommendations on the next page for further image guidelines


Submission Standards

Entries will be accepted based on the quality of the idea, its unique character, and the clarity of the article. Exhibit and catalog presentation is the responsibility of the exhibitor, and must clearly document and display the author’s idea(s). No previously published ideas will be accepted by the committee. See previously published list.  The article and exhibit display are each intended to be stand-alone ways of conveying the project.


  • Maximum article length is 1000 words.  
  • Articles must be submitted as a text only document, using either .doc or .txt.  You do not need to format your article, as the committee will format it for publishing.  No pdf documents will be accepted.
  • At the end of your article, include a list of your image captions. Example: “JohnSmithImage1 – detail view of the front”. This list can be in addition to the maximum 1000 word article length.


  • For the file name of each image use your full name and image number as it relates to the article. Example: JohnSmithImage1.tif
  • Graphics and illustrations should be submitted as .tif .jpeg files, and must meet or exceed 600 dpi with all lines black for line drawings
  • Photographs should be submitted as .tif .jpeg files, in black and white/grayscale sized to 1024 x 768 at 300 ppi.
  • Drafting should be submitted as original Vectorworks or AutoCad files.


  • There is no standard format for the exhibit, though it is best to think of it as similar to a poster session setup.
  • The exhibit space is set up as tables, in available depths of 2’ or 4’, with available widths of 3’, 4’, 6’, or 8’, both dimensions dependent upon the size of your project. Indicate on the Exhibit Application Form your display space needs. Each exhibit space is backed by a 3’ high board for display of images and other printing materials. Note: dependent upon the location of your display within the overall exhibit, the backing board may be shorter than the entire length of your display space. The Committee will clarify with you, prior to the conference, the layout of your display space.
  • If you need floor space next to your display, for a large object such as a dress form, please indicate in other, being certain to describe your needs.


All questions about the application process and the exhibit should be directed to:

Tim Francis, Chair of Tech Expo Committee, tfrancis@trinity.edu, 210-999-8586